NM Estate Auctions
Ends February 12, 2025 - 6:00 PM
Bidding Open
Accepting Final Bids
Bidding Closed
Starts Closing In:
Ends February 19, 2025 - 6:00 PM
Bidding Open
Accepting Final Bids
Bidding Closed
Starts In
Starts Closing In:
Our auction starts Wednesday, November 27, and runs through December 5, 2024. Each bid starts at $.99. Good luck and thank you for supporting ACTion Programs for Animals (APA) in Las Cruces! Happy bidding!! Dazzling items include jewelry, art, decor and select accessories. Many items are new with tags, making great holiday gifts. One hundred percent of the proceeds benefit APA. This is our seventh auction partnership with Mesilla Valley Estate Sales. Auction items are locally sourced through generous donations to the APA Second Chance Thrift Store and community support. Our thrift store is located at 2475 N. Main St. and is open Tues – Sat from 10 to 6; 575-888-4882. Please shop/donate with our store to further support our work.
Bidding Closed
Cherished K-9 All Breed Rescue is a completely volunteer run 501(c)(3) non-profit small operation that rescues and re-homes neglected, abused and abandoned dogs. We help find good homes for dogs that are being surrendered by their owners, as well as pull dogs off of the street and help find their current home or a permanent, loving home. Our goal is to assist the rescue community in our area with the challenge of decreasing the dog euthanasia rate at the shelter by saving dogs before they reach the shelter.
Bidding Closed
Ends November 13, 2024 - 6:00 PM
Bidding Closed